The Most Common Sources Of Antioxidants

Various health establishments suggest eating 5 portions of fruits and vegetables of different colors … on a daily basis. The aim of this is to supply the required essential nutrients your body needs daily. The good news is, this will also give you as much anti-oxidants as possible and also the diversity of anti-oxidants you need. Antioxidants have…

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How You Can Rate The Best Antioxidant? Is ORAC Score A Useful Tool?

The greatest way to fight free radicals (therefore slowing aging down) is to make sure you get plenty of antioxidants in your diet. Your first and most significant source will be from high quality, organic, and locally grown whole foods. Wisely chosen supplements have also been shown to be highly beneficial in addition to your…

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How Can We Recognize Antioxidant Rich Food?

Foods that have large quantities of antioxidants are often easy to detect, because many are vividly colored, especially rainbow colored. For instance, carrots and sweet potatoes have plenty of beta-carotene; bell peppers, strawberries and tomatoes contain vitamin C; tomatoes and watermelon have lycopene; and dark leafy greens like spinach contain lutein. Carotenoids are some of…

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Classification Of The AntiOxidants

Antioxidants occur naturally in the body and are present in many foods and herbs, especially fruits and vegetables. A well-balanced diet filled with foods containing antioxidants is recommended and is the best way to improve dietary requirements. In order to get better understanding of antioxidants and their role in our body it is good to…

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Types Of Toxins

Each day, we are surrounded by poisonous substances, which affect our minds and bodies. These poisonous substances are called toxins and your health is affected much more than you may realize depending upon how much exposure you have to toxins on a regular basis. Toxicants and Toxins come in all shapes and sizes, and while they…

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How Antioxidants Affect Our Health In General

Your body is always swapping and mending free-radical damaged cells; but with the way we live and mistreat ourselves, our bodies are attacked with more free radicals than they can handle. By choosing to supplement with antioxidants, we help our bodies keep up with the carnage. What’s more, it’s possible to get ahead of the…

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Vitamin E Benefits, Foods & Side Effects

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, which plays a role as an antioxidant in the body. It also helps to prevent free radical damage to specific fats in the body that are critical for your health. Vitamin E is an important vitamin that is required for the proper function of many organs in the body and is extremely useful…

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Understanding Omega-3 Fish Oil. The Side Effects, Interactions & Precautions

We’ve heard about the significance of taking fish oil supplements, but how does Fish oil Omega-3 work in the body? Should you bother taking it? And how much? Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that you must get from the diet. These incredibly healthy fats have important benefits for our body and brain (1, 2). However,…

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Top 15 Benefits Of Olive Oil

Did you know that olive oil was popularly called ‘liquid gold’ in the ancient world? If you are a culinary expert or are addicted to cooking shows, you must be familiar with olive oil. Most chefs today recommend its use. The health benefits of olive oil are unrivaled, and research exposes more benefits nearly every…

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Proper Food Combinations For Optimal Health

If I were asked, “What is the first major cause of most illness?”, I would have to say incomplete digestion. If your food does not break down through the enzymes provided by fresh and raw food in your body, then putrefaction (rotting and decay) will take place. The result? Your body absorbs its own toxic…

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Understanding Antioxidants. How Do They Work?

Antioxidants are often mentioned in daily conversation. You can find antioxidant supplements in shop racks, and their health and wellness advantages are cherished by both online marketers as well as media. Really, only a couple of individuals really recognize exactly what they are and how they function. They are thought to contribute in stopping the…

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Free Radicals: Enemies Within. What Are They And How Are They Formed

24 hours a day, while the body is constantly working, cells are metabolizing and generating energy as they carry out their tasks.  This natural process results in free radicals, the same way driving to work in your car creates exhaust fumes. In our day to day activities, we are exposed to harmful free radicals which…

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Our Health And Natural Beauty Go Hand In Hand

Natural beauty isn’t just what you’re born with. It’s also about making the most of your features, hiding any blemishes and presenting yourself well. Looking naturally beautiful is something within every person’s grasp. Good health often is reflected in an attractive, youthful appearance.  “So you might be tempted to blame aging and stress for facial…

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Top 15 Fish Oil Omega Benefits

The list of benefits associated with fish oil (or really the omega-3 fatty acids it contains) seem both amazing and damn near endless, while its list of potential side effects seem virtually nonexistent. What Does It Do?  What Are The Benefits Of Fish Oil? The short version? There are so many fish oil benefits. Fish…

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