What Is Candida Albicans? Common Infections Caused by Candida

Candida Albicans is a fungus and the most common type of yeast infection found in the mouth, intestinal tract and vagina, and it may distress skin and other mucous membranes. If the immune system is functioning optimally, this type of yeast infection is seldom serious. However, if your inner ecosystem is out of balance and your immunity is debilitated, you are at risk for a fungal infection, like Candida (also known as a yeast infection). Yeast infection usually starts in the digestive system and progressively spreads to other parts of the body.

The candida is a type of parasite that is robust, invasive and usually attaches itself to the intestinal wall and becomes a permanent resident of the internal organs, including the blood and tissues around the heart or brain. (1)

A single-cell organism, Candida reproduces asexually and prospers on some of the body’s byproducts: dead tissue and sugars from food. Unless its environment is reformed and its source of food is eliminated, it quickly dominates entire body systems, such as the digestive tract, and causes moderate to severe symptoms. When this fungus overproduces, the typical candida infection symptoms may appear.

Candida Albicans is so invasive that, if left unimpeded, it enters the gastrointestinal wall in the form of fungus where it develops very long, root like structures that pierce the wall – breaking down the protective barrier between the intestinal tract and the bloodstream. This breakdown permits the entrance of foreign as well as toxic substances to the bloodstream where they can harm numerous body systems. This releases by-product toxins and other toxins from your system, causing leaky gut syndrome.

The breaking down of the barrier results in some major problems especially when proteins and other food wastes are not completely digested or removed. There can also be an attack on the immune system that causes severe allergic reactions, fatigue and other health problems.

Candida Albicans has the ability to produce 75 toxic substances that can poison the human body. The toxins that are produced by the Candida parasites and contaminate the tissues and weaken the immune system, the glands, the kidneys, the bladder, the lungs, the liver, the brain and then the nervous system.

Candida Albicans together with some bacteria swimming in the bloodstream is dangerous since it will be able to find its way to other tissues. This can bring you more severe health problems like swelling of joints, chest pain, sinus problems, skin problems, etc.

Candida infection may also cause of some heart attacks. There are reported cases of people who have never been diagnosed with heart problems, but then die from a heart attack for no ostensible reason. Further, investigation has led to surprising findings of Candida yeast causing undiagnosed heart attacks. Candida yeast can cover the heart, which is what causes the heart attack. The Candida yeast reaches the heart by means of the bloodstream.

Vaginal yeast infections are more widespread today than ever before and they will never be fully healed unless the yeast is completely eliminated from the intestinal area. Candida may also be transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Candidiasis or Candida infection usually interferes with digestion and assimilation of vitamins and minerals. A great number of senior citizens, cancer patients as well as those individuals with HIV are suffering nutritional deficiencies because their body is unable to absorb nutrients from the food that they eat.

A majority of people are able to digest only 50% of their food because the Candida parasite is robbing the body of the other 50%. The Candida parasite creates a digestive conflict that creates chaos in the intestine that results in diseases that have left a great number of doctors clueless as to what treatments to recommend.

Anti Candida

Immunological weaknesses and infectious conditions are usually worsened by the presence of Candida parasites throughout the body. Yeast cell activity gives off two dangerous by-products—acetaidehyde and ethanol.

A great number of people are experiencing iron deficiency due to the presence of Candida. The Candida parasites also prohibits oxygen from entering the tissues. The ethanol that is given off by Candida parasites is the major cause excessive fatigue and reduction of strength and stamina in people infected with Candida. The ethanol likewise destroys enzymes that are needed for providing cells with energy and releases free radicals that hasten the aging process.

When you body’s natural pH balance is upset, the candida can grow out of control, creating a systemic problem. Good healthy bacteria and a properly functioning immune system are essential when fighting this stubborn infection.

Candida Overgrowth Syndrome, or COS, is the term used when candida has grown out of control in your body.

A Harvard University fellow in infectious disease, Julia Koehler, found that Candida is the predominant fungal infection behind human disease. According to Koehler, Candida was responsible for 60 percent of the fungal infections acquired in hospitals, killing one in three people with a bloodstream infection. Comparing Candida’s shape-shifting ability to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Koehler considered the fungus particularly dangerous because of its ability to change forms. When immunity is low, Candida can take over, and a systemic infection can quickly become lethal.

Common Infections Caused By Candida

There are so many infections that are caused by Candida, especially the species Candida Albicans, in various parts of the body.

Moniliasis or Oral Thrush

This type of oral infection usually occurs when there is an overproduction of Candida Albicans. It is also common among denture wearers and occurs to both very young and elderly who are recovering from disease or have an immune system problem. Likewise, people who are experiencing dry mouth syndrome are also prone to having Candidiasis.

Candida may be triggered by antibiotic treatment, which decreases normal bacteria in the mouth. Good oral hygiene is encouraged to prevent Candidiasis. Dentures should also be removed especially before going to bed. There are saliva substitutes as well as prescribed medications that may be used to treat some severe case of oral thrush.


This is an infection that occurs in the folds of skin, most commonly seen on overweight individuals. Redness and moisture in the skin fold are also observed. Small pustules appear around raised areas of inflamed skin and are usually filled with pus or papules around the main area of redness. Likewise, peeling, itching and swelling are also experienced.


This is one of the most common Candida infections, found mostly in women. The symptoms include swelling and itching of the vagina along with a thick, cream or white discharge. There is also pain during intercourse. There is an observed redness with rashes that oftentimes extends to the groin area. Vulvovaginitis is dominant among pregnant women and recurs frequently in women who are using birth control pills.

Men can also suffer from vulvovaginitis and this is indicated by inflammation that can be seen on the head of the penis. There can be swelling, and also small red papules or pustules, and often a burning sensation after sexual activity.

Diaper Candidiasis

This is the type of infection that is commonly seen in babies due to diaper rashes. However it should not be assumed that all diaper rashes are due to Candida. There are signs and symptoms such as small fragile pustules that are often dry and usually peel. In addition, this infection is accompanied by firm reddish nodules of 1 to 2cm on the vulva or the buttocks. There is also nodular granulomatous Candida or granulomatous gluteale infantum. This infection usually clears over time.


This is an example of a Candida infection that occurs on the nails. People who contract these types of infections generally have their hands in water or handle food on a regular basis as food encourages the growth of yeast on hands. The areas around the nails are usually swollen without the cuticles. There is also postural discharge that results to nail discoloration and often times caused the removal of the nail base. This is also called lateral onycholysis.

Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis

This is an example of a recurrent Candida infection that does not respond to medical treatments. This is the type of infection is visible in the mouth and on the skin. It can be observed on infants and children. It is identified by persistent oral rashes that may be hypertrophic and produce thick plaque in the mouth.

Chronic paronychia is manifested by redness around the nail folds. This infection is usually a genetic condition that is either recessive or dominant. It also may cause endocrine disorders such as hypothyroidism or hypoparathyroidism.

Anti-Parasite Detox Recommended

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